Michelle Raffin started a most amazing endeavor, almost by accident, when she rescued an injured white dove on the side of the road. Over time, she said yes to requests to take in injured and homeless birds—and Pandemonium Aviaries was born.
As the numbers of doves, parrots, grasskeets, and other species grew, Michelle became especially intrigued by the Crowned Pigeons, and worried about their survival in the wild. Saving the Victoria and Blue Crowned pigeons, and their relatives, became her focus and passion.
I had the rare privilege of filming in the aviaries and getting close up looks at these birds. To protect the birds and the time and energy of volunteers, access is limited, but the video gives you a glimpse of her amazing work and story.
Visit Pandemonium Aviaries’ website to learn more about the species and work at Pandemonium.
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